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Who wants to live forever?

The Lord Jesus declared what we need to do to live forever. He said that anyone who wants to can live forever. There is no such thing as being predestined. God does not point a finger at anyone and says: "Well, for this one I'm going to give eternal life, for that other one there too because she is cute, but for that old bald man, no..." The Lord does not do that. If so, he would be discriminating against people. He would be loving one more than the other. This certainly does not happen. The person who wants to live forever just has to do a very simple thing. And what is this thing? Jesus said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." (John 6:51). That is, if someone understands my word, receives the revelation, and feeds on it, that person will live forever.

Jesus died for your cause

Don't let the devil fool you anymore by saying that you have to suffer because of some past sin. As bad as the mistake you made, you no longer have to suffer because of it, because Jesus has already paid for it. No one else can accept to pay for something that Jesus has already paid for. Do not accept anymore to pay tribute to the devil, because he no longer has any legal right to oppress you. Do not accept to be oppressed. Do not accept to live a miserable life, do not accept to live sick. Do not make the sacrifice Jesus made for you useless. Believe, accept that sacrifice, because through it you have been reconciled to God. Your debt was paid by Jesus and now you are even with God. You have, through Jesus Christ, free access to the Father, to ask and receive everything you need to live well.

Govern your spirit

We have lost many blessings because we are not long-suffering. For not knowing how to wait, not letting God act, we often want to hurry things up. We have to know how to be patient. — This does not mean that we are going to cross our arms and wait for things to happen... No! — We have to put the facts before God, and trust in his providence, and act at the right time, following the direction the Lord gives us, in the name of Jesus. There is no such thing as someone pushing us, pressing for us to make any decision... not at all. The Bible says that the wise man knows the right time and the right way to act. It is written like this: "Whoever obeys the commandments will not suffer any punishment, because the wise heart will understand the best time and the right way to act." (Ecclesiastes 8:5 KJA)

Don`t leave your place

Then, the Bible says: "When the spirit of the governor rises against you, do not leave your place; for calm avoids great mistakes." (Ecclesiastes 10:4). When anything from the devil rises against you, do not leave your place. Do not move from your position in Christ. Do not give up your faith. A disease has arisen, a family crisis has arisen against you, a marital crisis, something horrible has arisen in your life, do not leave your place. And what is this place? The word of God. Psalm 16 verse 11 says: "You will make me see the path of life, in your presence there is an abundance of joy, in your right hand there are perpetual delights." — Do you want to have plenty of joy? Do you want to live delightfully every day of your life? So your place is in the Word of God. — In the presence of the Lord there is an abundance of joy. When any problem arises against you, be it a disease, a family crisis, an opposition to your plans, do not leave your place, continue in joy, continue in the presence of God. And how does the person know that he is in the presence of God? She has peace within her. She doesn't get down, she doesn't get depressed, she doesn't despair, although something is happening, she doesn't lose her peace.

Follow the example of Jesus

Gospel of John Chapter 13 Verse 15 Jesus says: "For I have given you an example, so that, as I have done to you, you may also do." — This he said on the day he washed the disciples' feet. But in everything Jesus did, there was a greater purpose. The purpose of teaching us how to act to please the Father. Therefore, everything that was done, was to show us what we should do, and how we should do it. All of Jesus' actions, the words he spoke and everything he did is in the Bible with the following purpose: To serve as an example. Our mission here on earth is to meditate on the teachings contained in the Bible, and in the face of any situation, to act exactly as Jesus did.

Paths of death

Not everything that seems right, it's good for us. Not everything that looks good for us, is right. Good ideas will not always bring us good business, and what appears to be good business will not always bring us good profits. The person who does not seek God's guidance before taking any decision in life, ends up falling in ties. Especially one who hurries to achieve something in life. No use the person want to pick up a "shortcut" to resolve the situation soon. In this hurry, the person ends up making the wrong decision, and the price to pay ends up being too high. There is a right order for things to happen. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: "Everything has its own time, and there is time for every purpose under heaven."

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