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Who wants to live forever?

The Lord Jesus declared what we need to do to live forever. He said that anyone who wants to can live forever. There is no such thing as being predestined. God does not point a finger at anyone and says: “well, for this one I'm going to give eternal life, for that other one there too because she is cute, but for this bald old man, no...” The Lord does not do this. If so, he would be discriminating against people. He would be loving one more than the other. This certainly does not happen.


The person who wants to live forever just has to do a very simple thing. And what is this thing? Jesus said: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." (John 6:51)


Pay attention because he said: "IF ANYONE ". Jesus did not say that only those who are predestined... Jesus did not say if "the Jews", or "the Greeks" or "the Brazilians, or Italians...", no! He said "IF ANYONE"... — but anyone who? Any person: "whoever eats this bread will live forever" — It doesn't matter who it is. The difference is between eating or not eating. He said: "whoever eats this bread will live..."


But, what bread to eat? The bread he gives us. And what is the bread that Jesus gives us? He said here: "... and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." — He did not say that he would give only for the lives of some, but for the LIFE OF THE WORLD. It is the right of the whole world to receive eternal life: " the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” said Jesus. The bread that He gives us is the revelation of His Word. The understanding of the Word. He said: "if anyone eats this bread"... that is to say, if anyone understands my word, receives the revelation, feeds on it, that person will live forever.


It can be the worst person in the world... If she opens her heart and receives the Word, that is, listen and apply in her life what she is hearing, allow Jesus to enter her heart, start obeying the teachings of Christ, little by little, she ceases to be that lost creature, she leaves those dirty thoughts, she changes her way of acting, and she then begins to build her life on the rock, which is Jesus. She eats the Word, that is, she feeds her spirit with what the Bible teaches, and within a short time she becomes a new creature.


But even though Jesus said that he would give his flesh for the life of the whole world — and he did that — unfortunately not everyone will achieve this blessing. Jesus warned that many will be called, but few will be chosen (Matthew 22:14). How's that going to be? Will God choose the ones he wants to save? Of course not. We are the ones who will decide whether or not we want to be saved. Everything will depend on whether we accept the invitation he gives us.


Jesus told in a parable that a king was celebrating his son's wedding; so he sent the messengers to call the guests and they made light of it, each one made an excuse not to go, and then the king sent other messengers to call them saying: " Behold, I have my dinner prepared; my oxen and my fat calves are already dead, and everything is ready; come to the wedding. They, however, ignoring it, went, one for their field, another for their business; and the others, taking possession of the servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. But the king was angry; and sending his armies, he destroyed those murderers, and set his city on fire. Then he said to his servants: The wedding is indeed prepared, but the guests are not worthy. So go to the crossroads of the paths and invite everyone you meet. And those servants went out on the roads, and gathered together all who found them, both bad and good; and the bridal room was filled. But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man not on a wedding garment; and he asked him: Friend, how did you get in here without having a wedding garment? He, however, was speechless. Then he ordered the king to the servants: Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Because many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:4-14)


All those people who were there before Jesus could have been saved, but they were not. Jesus was there teaching and many were not even paying attention to what He was saying.


When the Lord said that he would resurrect all those who ate of his flesh and drank of his blood — John 6:54 — then they began to murmur: "How is it possible for this guy to give his own flesh for others to eat... this guy it's crazy!” they said. For unbelievers, the Word of God is folly; as it is written in (1 Corinthians 2:14): "Now, the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, because for him they are folly; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."


They did not agree with Jesus to say: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven." (John 6:51) “How could he say that”, they thought, “we know him and we know that he is the son of Joseph the carpenter, and of Mary; and among us his brothers and sisters live, how does he come to tell us that he came down from heaven? He can only be delusional...”


This same spirit of unbelief is at work in religious people today. Because religion has instilled in the minds of the people that Mary is the mother of God. Look how absurd! If it was God who created man and woman, (and everything else), how would Mary, a mortal human creature, be the mother of God? — When we say that, the person tries to correct himself by saying that he is the mother of the son of God, who is also God. — Do you agree with that? I do not agree! — The word mother comes from the Latin "matre" which means "matrix". That is, something or someone in the case that is used to give rise to a similar.


Maria did not generate a being similar to her. In fact, it did not generate Jesus. She was chosen and used by God to give birth to a child that did not originate in itself, but that was placed in her womb by the Spirit of God. Jesus was not begotten of Mary, but of the Holy Spirit of God. Because according to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus is the very Word of God that became flesh, that is, that took the human form to live in the world of men. (John 1:14). Because it was necessary for Jesus to pass through the door to enter this world, as he explained in John chapter 10, because according to him he said: " whoever does not enter the sheepfold through the door is a thief and a robber." (John 10:1).


Mary was the gateway to Jesus in this world. No more than that! But how are you going to explain this to a religious? If he is not a religious fanatic, you may even convince him to agree with you, but he will continue to cultivate the idea that Mary is indeed the mother of God, and will continue to pray to her, and to worship her image. Now if he is a fanatic, he will not even want to hear you, and if you insist he may even go into ignorance.


In fact, we don't have to urge anyone to believe or stop believing. Scripture says in (Zechariah 4:6): "... not by force nor by violence, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts.” — It is not by force or violence, let alone by the intellectual capacity of each one, that the Truth of the Gospel is understood. If it does not come from God, the opening of understanding and the preparation of the heart, our whole effort would be in vain.


Jesus said: "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me does not bring him; and I will resurrect him on the last day." (John 6:44)


If it is not for the mercy of God, I can endeavor to teach you... you will find beautiful what I am going to say, you will be convinced of what I am saying, but you will never be converted. You will never accept in fact to eat of this bread, that is, to feed on the gospel and live on it. Only God's mercy will make you have a true encounter with Jesus. And when that happens, then yes, you get rid of all the lies that your religion taught you, throw up everything you learned wrong, and start to feed on the true Bread from heaven, which is the Word of God, and through it, you will live forever.


How's that going to be? I do not know! I only know that God did not lie. Everyone who believes in him will be resurrected.

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