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Rest in God

Never let the devil steal your faith, or make you give up the fight. He will do anything for you to confess your defeat with your lips. Never say: "I give up, there is no way, this fight I will not be able to win"... Stay strong in the faith, you will win. Scripture says that there is a great reward for your trust in God. Hold on, persevere in prayer, because, the scripture says that in a short time, WHAT IS TO COME, WILL COME and will not be long. Do not give up your faith, not for an instant. Don't back down. If you decided to face evil, go ahead and don't go back, don't give up the fight, because the Lord says that THE RIGHTEOUS WILL LIVE BY FAITH, but if he go back, what did the Lord say? "My soul has no pleasure in him". Trust in the Lord, and wait on Him. Hope on God does not mean that I now have to settle for the situation, fold my arms, and wait for God to make a decision and do something for me. NO! Hope on God is to present my problems to Him in prayer, and to believe that He will do what He said He will do. Because God will never fail to fulfill what he promised.

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