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Don't blame God for your failure

No one can blame God for their failures. The person does not seek God, does what pleases themselves without caring whether it is right or not, often acts as an irrational animal, and when the situation becomes difficult, the person then wants to be attended by God. So they prays, asks, cries and nothing happens. And then they starts saying that it was God who didn't want to heal, who didn't want to bless, who didn't want to prosper, anyway... they blames God for everything. But God is not responsible for anyone's failure. Psalm 30:17 says, "The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and Holy in all his works." — It is not God who puts suffering in anyone's life. He is the Lord who heals you. He is the God who prospers, He is the God who delivers; but if you keep putting your hand in what is dirty, you will get dirty more and more.

The letter of Jude (Part 5): Build your life on faith

Seek to be intimate with the Word of God. Meditate on what catches your attention. This is how we build ourselves in faith. This is how we are successful in our prayers, because the moment we are going to pray, if we bring to mind what Jesus has assured us, the Lord Jesus Himself gives us authority in the spirit world and by giving voice to His Words, we put into operation the divine power. And at that time, whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and what we loose on earth will also be loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18). And the Lord will confirm the words of his servant (Isaiah 44:26).

The letter of Jude (Part 4): Don't follow false masters

Continuing our study of Jude' letter, which he wrote to Christians at the time and to us alike, we saw that Jude began the letter by reminding us that we are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ to inherit eternal life. Yet he exhorts us not to forsake the faith given to us, and also to keep ourselves holy, bearing in mind that many ungodly men have risen up as "priests", and these such seek to convert the Grace of God into dissolution. Jude is referring to false teachers, ungodly men, who infiltrated God's people and made themselves priests. Jude says that these people are "spiritually asleep" and that their doctrines are the fruit of their imaginations and fantasies. These such not only convert the Grace of God into dissolution but also "reject domination", that is, they refuse to live according to the Word of God, and prefer to manufacture their own religion. These do not recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Ruler, and still reproach the heavenly authorities, mocking, taunting, and insulting the true believers, speaking ill of what they do not understand. Woe to them! The day of reward will come.

The letter of Jude (Part 3): Don't abandon your faith

Today we are living in a time when God is giving us the opportunity to live with Him forever. The Lord has recorded in the Holy Scriptures what we can and cannot do. And by the Scriptures men will be judged. Jesus said: “If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I came, not to judge the world, but to save the world. Whoever rejects me, and does not receive my words, already has someone to judge him; the word that I have preached, that will judge you in the last day.” (John 12:47-48). No one needs to give in to sin in order to be fulfilled in life. The Gospel fulfills man completely, taking him out of the devil's hands and freeing him from all suffering. You must be careful not to obey the devil, who, at all costs, will try to lead you to perdition, where the torment will never end. Don't be rebellious. Do not look for anything that contradicts the Word, because the act of rebelling is an appeal of the devil for you to let yourself be fooled by him, and thus, end up losing yourself spiritually. If you want to be truly happy — and for all eternity — refuse everything the devil offers you.

The letter of Jude (Part 2): Fight for the faith that God gave you

In the first verse, Jude says: "To the called ones, dear in God the Father..." You are dear to God. God is not false. He would not see your suffering and would remain inert, without helping you, without solving your problem... NO! The thing is just not happening because you are not allowing it. You are not allowing the Father to do the work in your life. You need to seek knowledge of God, you need to know your rights and fight your problem. See what your need is, what your disability is, and fight in prayer. Don't be discouraged, don't stop praying until the blessing comes. If you have to pray for a month, pray for a month, if you have to pray for a whole year, pray my brother... don't give up. Because the truth is that God doesn't make us wait... He can perfectly give you the blessing right away, but sometimes you need to get rid of certain things you've been doing so that the spirit of that mistake you've been making can be trapped and prevented from stealing your blessings.

The letter of Jude (Part 1): The three points of the letter

In the letter that Jude wrote, there are some points I would like to study with you today, because sometimes we read the Bible and miss out on the blessings that lie between the lines because of a lack of understanding. This Jude is not the Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus, no... And this letter is intended for those who have been called, sanctified by God, and who are preserved by Jesus Christ. Who are these people? It's us! And here he talks about three things I need to study with you.

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