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Cowardice and Failure go hand in hand (Chapter 2)

In the last video we saw that we lost many blessings by not paying attention to what the Lord God speaks to our hearts when reading the Bible or during the preaching of the Word. — If you did not watch the first part of this video, you must watch it. — According to the Holy Scriptures (Acts 2:39) all of God's promises belong to us and our children; but only the person who follows the instructions given by the Lord takes possession of them. Sometimes we imagine that it is one way, and we start to think that it doesn't matter what we do, because God is going to give us the blessing, but it's not quite like that. God is not going to do the work as we think it has to be done. The Work of God is done not as we think it should be, but as it is written in the Holy Bible. The devil is adept at creating situations to frighten us. But if we pay attention to everything the Lord has told us, we will never fail to win the blessing that the Lord has for us.

Cowardice and Failure go hand in hand (Chapter 1)

You can read and reread the New Testament several times, and you will never find Jesus with cowardice or fear of evil. And neither shy or bashful. If we are Christians, if we are really followers of Christ, why do we let fear, cowardice, doubt enter our hearts? This is only because we do not listen to the Word of God. All people are subject to these feelings, but the children of God cannot allow the spirit of fear to dwell in their hearts. Fear, cowardice, shyness, are not simple feelings. They are spirits that dominate people and tie their lives so that they do not come to fruition. And let it be said in passing, that the person who is dominated by these spirits, never prosper, and this is because they do not have full trust in God.

Prayer of Psalm 142

When you pray, remember that you have to ask God for what you want, with your words, expressing your heart's desire. Because what matters to God, it is not the words we are going to say, but the sincere desire of our heart. He understands our prayer and answers us when we are sincere, and we tell him what we want and need him to do. We don't have to imitate anyone's prayer. Our words must express what is within us. Do not imitate someone's prayer to be blessed, because God looks inside your heart to see what his real will is. Your prayer may look like someone else's, but the words have to come out of your heart. When you go to pray, pray according to what, by the Word of God, you understood to be His will for your life. When praying, speak your way, do not try to imitate anyone. The Lord is your God as much as he was or is anyone else who has acted or acts on the Word.

Rest in God

Never let the devil steal your faith, or make you give up the fight. He will do anything for you to confess your defeat with your lips. Never say: "I give up, there is no way, this fight I will not be able to win"... Stay strong in the faith, you will win. Scripture says that there is a great reward for your trust in God. Hold on, persevere in prayer, because, the scripture says that in a short time, WHAT IS TO COME, WILL COME and will not be long. Do not give up your faith, not for an instant. Don't back down. If you decided to face evil, go ahead and don't go back, don't give up the fight, because the Lord says that THE RIGHTEOUS WILL LIVE BY FAITH, but if he go back, what did the Lord say? "My soul has no pleasure in him". Trust in the Lord, and wait on Him. Hope on God does not mean that I now have to settle for the situation, fold my arms, and wait for God to make a decision and do something for me. NO! Hope on God is to present my problems to Him in prayer, and to believe that He will do what He said He will do. Because God will never fail to fulfill what he promised.

How to be strong spiritually

In the physical world, anyone who wants to have a healthy life, have a strong body, needs to have a good diet, and exercise regularly; there is no other way for a person to acquire muscle without exercising. With spiritual life, it is almost the same. There is no way for a person to be spiritually strong if he does not exercise his faith. And how does a person exercise faith?

How to expel the disease from your body

In today's video I will explain to you how to expel the disease from your body. Pay attention because I am going to talk about faith healing. If you are not a person of faith, this teaching is not for you. However, if you don't have faith, but need healing, then watch the video carefully, because God can make faith grow in your heart and give you healing even now, because there are no impossible things for God. It all depends on how you will act, and what you will do with the faith he gives you.

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