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How to dispel the evil from your life

The Lord Jesus once said that the lamp of the body is the eyes; so that if your eyes are good, your whole body will have light. If, however, your eyes are evil, your body will be tenebrous. Therefore, if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! My dear, my darling, when we listen, when we pay attention to the Word that the Lord speaks to our hearts, at that time we receive from Him the opportunity we need to solve all our problems. And how can we solve our problems? This is what we are going to study in today's video.

The blessing of Abraham

The Holy Bible says that one of the reasons the Lord Jesus gave Himself to die in our place was "That the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles [that is, to all people] through Jesus Christ" (Galatians 3: 14). What blessing is this? There are many in fact, but the verse treats it as "The blessing of Abraham ". What did God promise Abraham?

Not here, Satan!

Our study today begins with a short verse written by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians; small, I mean, in the amount of words, but it brings a lot of information for us. He says: "Do not give place to the devil." (Ephesians 4:27) — The apostle Paul wrote, but who is saying this to us is God. And what is He saying? For us not to give way to the devil. And many do not understand this yet, and are suffering because they are giving way to the animal to act in their lives.

Seek your salvation

Salvation includes many blessings. The main blessing is eternal life, but it also includes divine healing, deliverance from any evil work, prosperity, peace, and the complete fulfillment of human beings. As long as you do not in your heart call upon God, do not seek His face truly, inviting Him to be the Lord of your life, your blessing will not be complete. For the saved person, the one who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior, he becomes a child of God. What does that mean? It means that she became heir to the kingdom of heaven; she has come to have rights over all things, she has come to be heir to the greatest wealth anyone has ever possessed. The saved person inherits all of God's blessings. She has access to God's treasure, where there is everything she needs to live well and abundantly.

God does more than we ask or think

The apostle Paul wrote to the people of Ephesus saying, "Now to him who is able to do all things far more abundantly than what we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, let him be glory in the church through Christ Jesus, for all the generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21). What is Paul saying here? That all glory must be given to God, through Jesus Christ, in all generations. This means that it was like that in the past, and that it must remain that way forever. — But that's not what we've seen. —  A person who does not study the Bible cannot imagine what he is missing. Those who do not have contact with the Scriptures have no fellowship with God, and consequently do not have the faith to overcome the problems that arise against them. Those who seek to know God find that there is no reason to be entangled in any suffering, for Jesus promised to set the oppressed free. And He ensured that the person who is set free by Him will truly be free. But, the person who does not seek the knowledge of God, goes through life tormented and enslaved by the forces of darkness, and does not even realize that the cause of her suffering is an enemy, who has already been defeated by Jesus, and that she is enough believe to be free from evil. But our lack of knowledge of the scriptures makes the enemy able to oppress us.

The Enemy of Your Enemy

My dear, my darling, to win the war against the enemy who is attacking you, whatever it is, you only need one thing: "Trust in God". Now, trusting in God is not just saying I trust... it is knowing the Holy Word, what is in the Bible, what God says, believing that He will do what He says, and obeying His commandments, statutes and precepts. In short: Believing in God is living in communion with Him, respecting and obeying His Word.

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