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Salvation includes many blessings. The main blessing is eternal life, but it also includes divine healing, deliverance from any evil work, prosperity, peace, and the complete fulfillment of human beings. As long as you do not in your heart call upon God, do not seek His face truly, inviting Him to be the Lord of your life, your blessing will not be complete. For the saved person, the one who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior, he becomes a child of God. What does that mean? It means that she became heir to the kingdom of heaven; she has come to have rights over all things, she has come to be heir to the greatest wealth anyone has ever possessed. The saved person inherits all of God's blessings. She has access to God's treasure, where there is everything she needs to live well and abundantly.
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This is a special book for all those who wish to strengthen their FAITH and witness the power of God working miracles and great wonders through PRAYER.
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In this book you will find the reasons that prevent God from answering your supplications, and the instructions that the Eternal points out, through the Holy Scriptures, for those who wish to reap the fruits of FAITH: a healthy and happy life, and most importantly, ETERNAL LIFE.
It is written:
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