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How to prepare yourself to receive God's blessing

Many people, when they hear the gospel for the first time, rejoice, are filled with hope, want to see their problem solved soon, but they still haven't learned how to hold on to the blessing. And even if he receives it at that moment, the person puts everything at risk again because he has not yet established himself in the faith. It's like that seed that falls on a rocky place, where there is only a thin layer of earth on the rocks, this seed germinates quickly because it doesn't have deep soil, but when the sun gets hot, the plant dries up, because it hasn't taken root. But today I want to prepare you to receive the blessing of the Lord.

You need to know this!

What would you do if someone very rich gave you a document, a power of attorney, with legal validity, authorizing you to use his bank account, or gave you a debit card with a password and everything, and told you that you could buy everything what did you want?


What we receive from the Lord Jesus is even better than that. The Lord has given us power of attorney to act in His Name. This Name has authority not only on earth but also in heaven, that is, in the world of men, and in the spirit world. The Name of Jesus has power over all earthly, physical, material life, and over all spirits, whether they are angels or demons. In today's video I have a message for you who are looking to win in faith.

Powerful Message!

What has kept many people today from being blessed is the fact that they don't know about the Grace of God. People, not all, but most, still think that to be blessed they need to pray a lot, they have to take vows, they have to pay promises, they have to make sacrifices, and I don't know what else... None of this is needed anymore. In the past, it was. In the time of the law, I say before Jesus came into the world, the person had to look for the priest, or the prophet, to offer animals in sacrifice for sins so that God would forgive and bless, but this, I repeat, was at that time... Today is not like that anymore. I invite you to watch today's video as the message really is powerful!

The serpent of the desert

Today we are going to study about a certain bronze serpent that Moses made, and hung in the middle of the camp of the Israelites, for the people of Israel had once again done what was evil in the sight of God, and the Lord then sent among the people, poisonous serpents, who killed many people in the camp of the Israelites. That metal serpent, the Lord God Himself had commanded it to be made, and, in a figurative sense, it symbolized the Lord Jesus, who about 1486 years later would be lifted up and hung on a cross to save mankind from their sins.

According to God's heart

Sacred Scripture says that "the eyes of the LORD search all the earth, seeking his faithful ones, to show himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are perfect toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9). Be you also a person after God's own heart and take your place in Christ. And according to the Word of the Lord, "And your fear and your dread shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air" (Genesis 9:2). (Understand that here it speaks of the spiritual world and the beings that act in it). By being a person filled with the Holy Spirit, there will be no demon that will mess with you. Seek it out; leave sin, vices, bad habits, and turn to the Lord with all your heart, and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Because you were called to inherit the Kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus says: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into his house, and will sup with him, and he with me. He who wins, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne; just as I conquered, and sat with my Father on his throne." (Revelation 3:20-21)

God deliver you

When someone listens to what God speaks, the Lord opens for that person a door, a way, where the unclean will never pass... that way is Jesus, the Word of God. If you walk this way the devil will never be able to get to you... this way the unclean does not pass. It is written in Psalm 18:30 that "God's way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried; it is a shield to all who trust in him." — If we walk this way, we will be guarded, protected from evil, we will live in peace and we will reach where God wants us to go, which is our personal fulfillment. God didn't make anybody to suffer, He didn't make anybody to be miserable; no one to be incomplete, no one to go through deprivation, to live in misery, in scarcity... NO! He said by the prophet Isaiah: " If you will, and hear me, you will eat the good of this land." (Isaiah 1:19).

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