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The Lord is our defense

David declared that God was his strength, and he says that he sang praises to the Lord because God is defending him. He wrote saying, "Unto thee, O my strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, he is the God of my mercy." (Psalm 59:17). And we often forget this: That God is our defense! That He is the God of our mercy. Sometimes we read the Bible wanting a word to feed our spirit, to fill a void within us, but if before reading the person does not pray and ask God to speak to his heart, he will read and he will only be in that natural understanding. But when you meditate on the Word, unhurriedly, and let the Holy Spirit speak, then yes, you find that in every verse there is a treasure to be explored. This understanding that David had of the Word is what we should seek, and the Lord certainly wants to give us this knowledge as well. Without the revelation of God's Word, we live stumbling, and achieve nothing in life.

When the enemy surrounds you

God always does more than we ask or think. Therefore, you who have been dedicated to listening to the preaching of the Word, you can be sure that He has something special for you. No matter if your problems are many, if your enemies are strong, acting God, who will stop Him? Our God is powerful, and it makes no difference to Him to help the great or the small, the rich or the poor, who have a lot of strength or who have no strength at all. For God, no problem is too difficult, and there is nothing He does not know or cannot do. His need may be small, or it may be great... you may have a problem or a million... the Lord our God is not a limited God, and He doesn't need time to resolve your situation. He can solve all your problems at once... it all depends on his faith, and his attitude towards him. Today we are going to study about Jehoshaphat, son of King Asa, who took the throne in place of his father; and that he was a smart guy. When he found himself surrounded by enemies, he took a wise course. He called upon the Lord, and said a prayer that touched God's heart.

The silliness of Asa

I want to draw your attention in today's video to the immense stupidity committed by a king of Judah named Asa. For God is only present in the life of that person who seeks him. As long as we are in communion with Him, reading the Bible, praying, invoking His Name and His power over us, trying to do what is pleasing to Him, He will be by our side protecting us and giving us the victory. However, from the moment I think I already know everything, that I already know the Bible from cover to cover, that I no longer need to read, I no longer need to meditate on the Word, I no longer need to listen to the preaching, I no longer need to seek fullness of the Holy Spirit, He won't be with me anymore... it's no use thinking that when something happens, I just pray in Jesus' Name and expel evil, because if God isn't with me, I'm not able to scare not a mosquito. — Jesus was clear when he said, "Without me you can do nothing." And many today are falling into the same mistake as King Asa.

Things that happen...

Sometimes things happen to us that we wouldn't want to happen; and we sometimes even get angry, and ask: Why did God allow this to happen? And the person is questioning, and does not conform many times... But know one thing: If something bad happened, it is because the person is not right with God. Because when we are right with God, when we are living in communion, we are always reading the Bible, meditating on the Word, walking as the Lord would like us to walk, only good things happen to us. Because according to the Holy Scriptures, (Romans 8:28), all things work together for good to those who love God. However, what happens is that many do not love God. They just say lip service. Because whoever doesn't respect what the Bible says and doesn't live according to the Holy Word teaches, he doesn't really believe, and doesn't love God. He who is idolatrous, immoral, who lives doing wickedness, and who does not respect his fellowman, this person does not love God.

The Perfect way of God

Pay attention to what the Bible says in (2 Samuel 22:31): "The way of God is perfect, and the word of the Lord refined; and it is the shield of all who trust in Him." — My dears, God is our shield. He is the shield of all who trust Him. Come what comes, plan what they plan, try what they want to try, it won't hit us. It won't catch us, it won't make us fall, because we trust in God, and He is our shield!

Faithful lawyer

I have something important to teach you, and it would be good if you stopped everything you're doing and made an effort to pay attention to what I'm going to talk about today, because sometimes we are threatened by a pain, a sadness, an annoyance, and we often don't even realize that this is all an affront the enemy is doing to us. We don't pay attention to the fact that these things that happen to us are diabolical plots, things planned in hell to destabilize us. We remain silent, and often accept it as if it were natural things, but it is not. We have a spiritual enemy who doesn't want to see us well at all. He tries, in every way, to make the Lord God sad with us. For this reason he attacks us with the most diverse types of problems, all with a single objective: to make us sin, to have a way to accuse us before God. Our enemy knows that the Divine Court does not accept an unjust cause, and that the Just Judge does not accept a bribe. — What does that mean? It means that one who has not sinned cannot be judged. — For this reason, we are constantly tempted to commit some kind of spiritual crime. The devil, our adversary, does everything possible for us to come to disobey God in some commandment, statute or precept, so that in this way he has something he can accuse us of. But we have a lawyer, a Faithful Lawyer, who pleads our case in the Divine Court, and that's what I want to study with you about today!

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