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Cowardice and Failure go hand in hand (Chapter 2)

In the last video we saw that we lost many blessings by not paying attention to what the Lord God speaks to our hearts when reading the Bible or during the preaching of the Word. — If you did not watch the first part of this video, you must watch it. — According to the Holy Scriptures (Acts 2:39) all of God's promises belong to us and our children; but only the person who follows the instructions given by the Lord takes possession of them. Sometimes we imagine that it is one way, and we start to think that it doesn't matter what we do, because God is going to give us the blessing, but it's not quite like that. God is not going to do the work as we think it has to be done. The Work of God is done not as we think it should be, but as it is written in the Holy Bible. The devil is adept at creating situations to frighten us. But if we pay attention to everything the Lord has told us, we will never fail to win the blessing that the Lord has for us.

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