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Have Courage!

There are people getting dirty with fear of the enemy. A disease arises, the doctor says it is serious and has no solution, the family is already desperate, the patient loses hope... But, where is your faith? Do not you have a God? Why do not you invoke your God? Don't you believe that He can do everything? There are people who only believe at the time that everything is going well — believes lip service — but they do not make use of the power that the Lord has placed at their disposal. The problem arises and the person allows himself to be overwhelmed, and ends up conforming to "whatever God wants"... Whatever God wants not my brother! Not my sister! The Lord God has already made it clear what he wants. He wants you to get up, stand up in the strength of your God and face the problem. As frightening as your enemies may be, do not be intimidated... use the authority and power that the Lord has placed at your disposal. Be brave!

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