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God deliver you

When someone listens to what God speaks, the Lord opens for that person a door, a way, where the unclean will never pass... that way is Jesus, the Word of God. If you walk this way the devil will never be able to get to you... this way the unclean does not pass. It is written in Psalm 18:30 that "God's way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried; it is a shield to all who trust in him." — If we walk this way, we will be guarded, protected from evil, we will live in peace and we will reach where God wants us to go, which is our personal fulfillment. God didn't make anybody to suffer, He didn't make anybody to be miserable; no one to be incomplete, no one to go through deprivation, to live in misery, in scarcity... NO! He said by the prophet Isaiah: " If you will, and hear me, you will eat the good of this land." (Isaiah 1:19).

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