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What has kept many people today from being blessed is the fact that they don't know about the Grace of God. People, not all, but most, still think that to be blessed they need to pray a lot, they have to take vows, they have to pay promises, they have to make sacrifices, and I don't know what else... None of this is needed anymore. In the past, it was. In the time of the law, I say before Jesus came into the world, the person had to look for the priest, or the prophet, to offer animals in sacrifice for sins so that God would forgive and bless, but this, I repeat, was at that time... Today is not like that anymore. I invite you to watch today's video as the message really is powerful!
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This is a special book for all those who wish to strengthen their FAITH and witness the power of God working miracles and great wonders through PRAYER.
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In this book you will find the reasons that prevent God from answering your supplications, and the instructions that the Eternal points out, through the Holy Scriptures, for those who wish to reap the fruits of FAITH: a healthy and happy life, and most importantly, ETERNAL LIFE.
It is written:
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