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The Lord is our defense

David declared that God was his strength, and he says that he sang praises to the Lord because God is defending him. He wrote saying, "Unto thee, O my strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, he is the God of my mercy." (Psalm 59:17). And we often forget this: That God is our defense! That He is the God of our mercy. Sometimes we read the Bible wanting a word to feed our spirit, to fill a void within us, but if before reading the person does not pray and ask God to speak to his heart, he will read and he will only be in that natural understanding. But when you meditate on the Word, unhurriedly, and let the Holy Spirit speak, then yes, you find that in every verse there is a treasure to be explored. This understanding that David had of the Word is what we should seek, and the Lord certainly wants to give us this knowledge as well. Without the revelation of God's Word, we live stumbling, and achieve nothing in life.

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