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Don't blame God for your failure

No one can blame God for their failures. The person does not seek God, does what pleases themselves without caring whether it is right or not, often acts as an irrational animal, and when the situation becomes difficult, the person then wants to be attended by God. So they prays, asks, cries and nothing happens. And then they starts saying that it was God who didn't want to heal, who didn't want to bless, who didn't want to prosper, anyway... they blames God for everything. But God is not responsible for anyone's failure. Psalm 30:17 says, "The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and Holy in all his works." — It is not God who puts suffering in anyone's life. He is the Lord who heals you. He is the God who prospers, He is the God who delivers; but if you keep putting your hand in what is dirty, you will get dirty more and more.

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