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How to break free from the forces of evil

It is always good to meditate on what the Word reveals to us, because it is the Words of our Master that makes us conquerors; strong and victorious people in this world and in the spirit world. In Luke 11:21-22 Jesus said, "When a valiant guards his house armed, all that he hath is safe. But when another valiant comes upon him, and overcome him, he takes off all his armor in who trusted, and shares his spoils." — What valiant was the Lord Jesus referring to? He was talking about the devil, who when he gets into a person's life, he builds a kind of fortress there. He arm himself with every kind of deceit and filth that exists to make a person hateful through impure words, deeds, and thoughts. This is how he takes possession of and holds captive what is most precious to us: the spirit, the body and the soul. To free this person, it is necessary to disarm this valiant. We have to destroy the fortress he built. Like this? The enemy comes, and often he doesn't come alone, he brings his henchmen with him, and begins to control the individual's thoughts, stirs the person's feelings, in order to try to shield him from the Word of God. The person becomes insensitive. The devil uses all means not to let the person open his heart to hear the Word. In every way he tries to divert the person's interest, and when not, he even makes the person become violent and averse to the Word. He is guarding "his" property. He armed himself, or rather, armed the person against the Word of God, because he knows that if the person opens his heart, and starts to hear the preaching of the Word, she will believe... faith will come, and a person of faith is a threat to hell.

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