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When the enemy surrounds you

God always does more than we ask or think. Therefore, you who have been dedicated to listening to the preaching of the Word, you can be sure that He has something special for you. No matter if your problems are many, if your enemies are strong, acting God, who will stop Him? Our God is powerful, and it makes no difference to Him to help the great or the small, the rich or the poor, who have a lot of strength or who have no strength at all. For God, no problem is too difficult, and there is nothing He does not know or cannot do. His need may be small, or it may be great... you may have a problem or a million... the Lord our God is not a limited God, and He doesn't need time to resolve your situation. He can solve all your problems at once... it all depends on his faith, and his attitude towards him. Today we are going to study about Jehoshaphat, son of King Asa, who took the throne in place of his father; and that he was a smart guy. When he found himself surrounded by enemies, he took a wise course. He called upon the Lord, and said a prayer that touched God's heart.

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