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Illustrative picture - Works done in God

Works done in God

Did you know that your works can be done in God or in the devil? If they are performed in the Lord, their reward will be here and in eternity. However, if they are executed according to the enemy, you will not have the reward from the Father, you will discover that your attitude opened the door for the opponent's attack and, in the future, you will receive the condemnation for your act. There is no point in doing something outside the will of the Most High.


"But whoever practices the truth comes to the light, that their works may be manifested, because they are done in God." (John 3:21)


The indifference of the wicked is because their works are done in darkness. There is no such thing that someone did not understand the divine will, because the very Spirit of God convinces man of sin (John 16:8), when the servants of the Most High preach the Word. The person who resists the Almighty may lie here, but on the Last Day, he will confess the reason he despised the Father's invitation: he did not want his evil works to be discovered.


Those who reject the Gospel must be aware that their attitude will lead them to spend eternity without God. It will be very sad the fate of those who prefer error to Truth, love the wrong things and do not know how to say NO to the pleasures of sin. There is nothing more beautiful, rewarding and holy than walking in the light, away from transgressions and steadfast in the faith. 


No religion can give you eternal happiness, only the Gospel. The Good News is the link between man and the Father. In giving credit to this message, the person is placed face to face with the Lord. At the same moment, the faith for salvation is transmitted to your heart. However, when the individual is evil and prefers to love iniquity, he says that he did not understand and, therefore, will continue in his old belief.


Do not sell yourself to any religion. Believe what guides the Word and be very blessed. In eternity, you will be in Paradise, but the rebels will experience endless suffering. Then, far from God, they will be punished incessantly. Those who give credit to the Most High will go to eternal rest, will never perish and, beside the Savior, will enjoy the riches of the Most High. 


The Christian should strive to do his works in the Lord, for he would be successful. The pleasure of doing good is unparalleled, leading those who do it to be fulfilled. This is the testimony left by Christ to those who, at His work, were anointed with the same anointing that was dispensed to Him. He went about everywhere liberating the oppressed. Try it that way and see how rewarding it is.


Unlike those who put themselves at the service of the evil one, people who do what God desires are pleased that their works are manifest. It is evident that they do not seek any human reward, but they know that their example, if followed, will help others to live better. Their retribution will be given on the Big Day.

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