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Things that happen...

Sometimes things happen to us that we wouldn't want to happen; and we sometimes even get angry, and ask: Why did God allow this to happen? And the person is questioning, and does not conform many times... But know one thing: If something bad happened, it is because the person is not right with God. Because when we are right with God, when we are living in communion, we are always reading the Bible, meditating on the Word, walking as the Lord would like us to walk, only good things happen to us. Because according to the Holy Scriptures, (Romans 8:28), all things work together for good to those who love God. However, what happens is that many do not love God. They just say lip service. Because whoever doesn't respect what the Bible says and doesn't live according to the Holy Word teaches, he doesn't really believe, and doesn't love God. He who is idolatrous, immoral, who lives doing wickedness, and who does not respect his fellowman, this person does not love God.

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