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Psalm 25:12 says, "What man is there that fears the Lord? He will teach him the way he should choose." — Many times we have to make serious decisions in life, and we are in doubt about what we should do... And it is at these times that our contact with God makes a difference. But today I want to study with you the first two verses of Psalm 141, because there are a lot of lessons for us there. The psalmist begins his prayer as follows: "O Lord, I cry to you; listen to me! Hurry to help me! Hear my voice when I cry to you!" Watch the video.
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This is a special book for all those who wish to strengthen their FAITH and witness the power of God working miracles and great wonders through PRAYER.
If you are struggling and not achieving solid faith, or not receiving answers to your prayers, this book will give you insight that could completely change your life.
In this book you will find the reasons that prevent God from answering your supplications, and the instructions that the Eternal points out, through the Holy Scriptures, for those who wish to reap the fruits of FAITH: a healthy and happy life, and most importantly, ETERNAL LIFE.
It is written:
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