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Govern your spirit

We have lost many blessings because we are not long-suffering. For not knowing how to wait, not letting God act, we often want to hurry things up. We have to know how to be patient. — This does not mean that we are going to cross our arms and wait for things to happen... No! — We have to put the facts before God, and trust in his providence, and act at the right time, following the direction the Lord gives us, in the name of Jesus. There is no such thing as someone pushing us, pressing for us to make any decision... not at all. The Bible says that the wise man knows the right time and the right way to act. It is written like this: "Whoever obeys the commandments will not suffer any punishment, because the wise heart will understand the best time and the right way to act." (Ecclesiastes 8:5 KJA)

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