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The three emissaries from hell: DOUBT, APPRENHENSION, FEAR

When King Asa let pride and the vain illusion of prosperity take hold of his heart, he feared that one day someone might want to take over his kingdom. He then, afraid that this might happen, decided to build walls and towers, put doors and locks in cities. Besides, he armed himself, and prepared an army to protect him. With that, he diverted the protection of the Lord from himself and his people. He let himself be dominated by the spirit of fear, and considered that he himself must protect himself against an enemy that did not yet exist. — He said to himself, "Let's do this while the earth is still at peace." — What a fool he was. Wasn't the God who had given her peace all those years more efficient in keeping her peace? Such foolishness caused the devil to bring against him an enemy much stronger than he was to defeat him. If King Asa did not repent at the right time, and cry out to the Lord, he would have been slaughtered by his enemies.

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