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Don`t leave your place

Then, the Bible says: "When the spirit of the governor rises against you, do not leave your place; for calm avoids great mistakes." (Ecclesiastes 10:4). When anything from the devil rises against you, do not leave your place. Do not move from your position in Christ. Do not give up your faith. A disease has arisen, a family crisis has arisen against you, a marital crisis, something horrible has arisen in your life, do not leave your place. And what is this place? The word of God. Psalm 16 verse 11 says: "You will make me see the path of life, in your presence there is an abundance of joy, in your right hand there are perpetual delights." — Do you want to have plenty of joy? Do you want to live delightfully every day of your life? So your place is in the Word of God. — In the presence of the Lord there is an abundance of joy. When any problem arises against you, be it a disease, a family crisis, an opposition to your plans, do not leave your place, continue in joy, continue in the presence of God. And how does the person know that he is in the presence of God? She has peace within her. She doesn't get down, she doesn't get depressed, she doesn't despair, although something is happening, she doesn't lose her peace.

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